AeroPress Brewing Guide
The Aerobie AeroPress is brilliant immersion coffee maker that makes a filter coffee that requires minimal precision, and produces a cup with more body than other pour-over methods.
All coffees and roast methods will taste great with this method, what may you ever so slightly loose in delicacy compared to a pour-over, you make up for in ease of use and consistency.
You Will Need
- AeroPress
- Filter papers
- Mug
- Scales
- Timer
- AeroPress stirrer
- Hot filtered water just off the boil (225ml)
- Coffee ground for Aeropress filter (15g coffee)
1. Get a coffee filter paper
Put a filter paper in the screw-on cap and rinse with hot water to remove the paper taste. Screw cap onto chamber and place face down onto your mug.
2. Place scales under your mug
Put 15g of ground coffee into the AeroPress chamber and zero your scales.
3. Start timer
4. Pour the water
Pour 225ml of water into the AeroPress in within 15 seconds and stir to ensure all grounds are wet.
5. Create an air vacuum
Gently place the plunger into the chamber to create an air vacuum, this stops too much coffee dripping through prematurely.
6. Remove the plunger
At 1min, remove plunger and gently stir to break the crust at the top. Replace plunger.
7. Press down on the plunger
At 1:15, using just your body weight, press down on the plunger. Stop when you hear hissing. This should be finished by 2minutes.
If your brew was slow and tastes bitter, coarsen your grind. If your brew was fast and tastes weak and sour, fine your grind. If you want more body, up your coffee dose and adjust grind to taste.
With this AeroPress brew guide, you will be an expert on how use an AeroPress to make coffee!
Coffee FAQ's
What is an AeroPress Coffee Maker?
The Aerobie AeroPress is an easy to use, portable coffee making device. It is so simple to use and the results are excellent. It's a paper filter based method (although metal discs are available) which means the resulting brew is very clean and clear without the heavy mouthfeel and sediment often found with a cafetiere.
How many cups of coffee can I make with this brewing recipe?
This brewing recipe is suitable for one cup of coffee. If you wish to brew more cups, simply follow the recipe once again.